
The files created during a single scan are kept for not more than 10 days on the computer -
After that this data will be permanently deleted from the machine!

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the main file-folder under Windows:
    1. Option A:
      1. Open the shooIQ-Software
      2. Press the key combination "CTRL + o"
      3. A Windows-Explorer window will open up (possibly in the background)

    2. Option B:
      1. Minimize the shooIQ-Software

      2. Open a Windows-Explorer
      3. Navigate to the following path:  "C:\Users\USER\corpus\shooIQ\dump"
        (where USER is your current Windows name/account )

  2. Select the required scans / folders
    Images for each individual scan are stored in a dedicated subfolder.
    => The name of each subfolder contains both the exact date and the name of the customer of that scan.

    1. Select all scans / subfolders which were created during the period of time in which the error(s) occured
    2. Additionally select the folders named "calibration"

  3. Send the subfolders selected above to your corresponding Support-Team